Maria Hosein was born in Afghanistan and grew up in Germany.
She studied English, politics and arts at the University of Hildesheim. There, she obtained her Bachelor's and Master's degree. After passing the second state examination, she entered the teaching profession.
Besides being a teacher at a secondary school, she's currently working at the University of Hildesheim. Moreover she is working on her dissertation in the field of art at the University of Potsdam.
Additionally, she holds exhibitions where she displays her artwork since October 2016. Her first solo-exhibition was dedicated to the colorful culture of Afghanistan and took place in November 2016.
Maria Hosein was a member of the AVAA (Afghan Visual Art Association NL) and participated in its first art exhibition, which took place in Arnhem, Netherlands.
In May 2019, she was one of the nine Afghan artists based in Europe who took part in a group exhibition called Homage to Afghanistan. It was the first exhibition of Afghan artists in the premises of the European Union (European External Action Service) in Brussels.
She is a member of different associations and supports various projects since she is interested in social development and politics. Maria is a board member of Afghanic e.V. - a non-profit organization which focuses on medical care, cultural participation and education in Afghanistan and a co-founder and former board member of VAfO - Verband Afghanischer Organisationen in Deutschland (Association of Afghan organizations in Germany).
06/2023 international (Hof Oberheu, 30826 Garbsen, Leistlingerstr. 30)
07/2022 (in)visible Images ( State Office for Taxes in Hanover, end: 09/2022 )
11/2021 POTA Presence Of The Absence - inVISIBLE (University of Potsdam)
09/2021 Hamburg zeigt Kunst
07/2019 24th Hamburg Afghanistan Week (Hamburger Afghanistan Woche)
05/2019 Homage to Afghanistan ( European External Action Service, Brussels, Belgium)
09/2018 mUSE ART Festival (Hannover)
08/ 2018 Back to the Roots (Raum für Kunst und Kommunikation, Hannover)
03/2018 AVAA´s 1st Exhibition (B53, Arnhem, Netherlands)
03/ 2018 RANGIN II (Rathaus Garbsen)
04/ 2017 Gedankenwelt/ World of Thoughts (Bildungsverein Linden, Hannover)
11/ 2016 RANGIN I (NLBV Hannover)
10/ 2016 1st Kunstmarkt (Berlin)