06/2023 Art. ist international (Hof Oberheu, 30826 Garbsen, Leistlingerstr. 30)
07/2022 (un)sichtbare Bilder ( State Office for Taxes in Hanover, end: 09/2022 )
11/2021 inVISIBLE - Exhibition (as the beginning of an event series POTA - Presence of the Absence- Afghanistan 2021; (Rechenzentrum, Potsdam)
09/2021 Hamburg zeigt Kunst- Das Kreativfestival (Hamburg)
07/2019 24th Hamburg Afghanistan Week (Hamburger Afghanistan Woche)
05/2019 Homage to Afghanistan (European External Action Service, Brussels, Belgium)
09/2018 mUSE ART Festival (Hanover)
08/ 2018 Back to the Roots (Raum für Kunst und Kommunikation, Hannover)
03/2018 AVAA´s 1st Exhibition (B53, Arnhem, Netherlands)
03/2018 RANGIN II (Rathaus Garbsen)
04/2017 Gedankenwelt (Bildungsverein Linden, Hannover)
11/2016 RANGIN I (NLBV Hannover)
10/2016 1st Kunstmarkt (Berlin)